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  • Mission Bon Accueil – Centre d’Accueil et Référencement

Mission Bon Accueil – Centre d’Accueil et Référencement

Last update: 2024-11-04


* Emergency shelter: housing, daily breakfast and supper, clothing, hygiene products, showers, counselling services.
* Transition shelter and reintegration program.
* Community activities.
* Addiction treatment centre.
* Assistance with personal finances.
* Accompaniment in housing search.
* Prisme program: housing for men living with psychotic disorders, support, and nursing services.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs

Customer base:

men 18 years and over homeless or in need, with or without addiction issues, Prisme program: men living with psychotic disorders


none, Prism program: $358 per month

Territory served:

Greater Montréal


160 emergency beds


10 jours et moins

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:

French; English


  • 24/7
  • meal: everyday at 17h00
  • admissions: 15h30 to 17h00
  • new admissions: from 17h00

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