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  • Centre de Thérapie le Portail – Hébergement pour Femmes

Centre de Thérapie le Portail – Hébergement pour Femmes

Last update: 2024-01-18


In-patient Rehabilitation Centre for 28 day for light to moderate withdrawal with possibility of extension.
* Separate programme for addiction to substances.
* Combined programme for addictions.
* Assessment of needs and individualized treatment plan.
* Group therapy.
* Medical follow-up.
* One-on-one counseling.
* Weekly meetings (12-steps).
* Creativity workshops, yoga and meditation.
* Out-patient counseling, face to face, via telephone or internet.
* Post treatment follow-up (in person or by internet): individual meetings as needed..

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs

Customer base:

women with issues related to alcohol, drugs, medication and excessive gambling


$4900 for 28 days, social assistance: $200 deposit requested and returned if the person completes therapy, IVAC: covered, after-care follow-up: $49 per meeting, flexible financial and administrative agreements adapted to the financial resources of the individuals

Territory served:

Province of Québec




1 to 3 months; 1 month and less

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:


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