Maison la Bouée

Last update: 1970-01-01


External rehabilitation centre: alcohol, drugs, gambling and any other form of addiction.
* 16-weeks outpatient therapy including 8 individual sessions, 2 intensive weekends, and 8 mindfulness-based relapse prevention sessions.
* 12-week group program.
* 12-month aftercare follow-up.
* 6-month relapse prevention program with weekly meeting.
* Thematic intensive weekend.
* Employee Assistance Program: workplace training.
* Family program and assistance service, information and support.
* Telephone service 7 days a week.
* Transportation.
* Lectures.
* Items donations in case of emergency for members only.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling

Customer base:

people prone to all types of addictions: alcohol, drugs, compulsive gambling, emotional, etc.


free evaluation, 16-week therapy: $4500, refundable by several insurance companies

Territory served:

Province of Québec


Without accommodation

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:

French; English

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