• Centres
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  • Institut Universitaire Sur les Dépendances

Institut Universitaire Sur les Dépendances

Last update: 1970-01-01


Accompaniment and support for the development of addiction practices.
* Bibliothèque québécoise sur les dépendances: https://ccsmtl-biblio.ca/fr/les-bibliotheques/bibliotheque-quebecoise-sur-les-dependances
* Research, publications, calls for projects.
* Tools and guides: harm reduction, specific populations, psychoactive substances, Internet and screens, Canna-Coach, Covid-19.
* Knowledge transfer.
* State-of-the-art practices.
* Évaluation des technologies et des modes d’intervention (ETMI).
* Programme national de formation en dépendance (PNFD).
* Table of clinical and organizational managers in addiction.
* Events and training.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs

Territory served:

Province of Québec


Without accommodation

Legal status:

parapublic organization

Language of service:


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