Héberjeune de Parc Extension
Medium-term housing with support and guidance.
* 3 months to 1 year stay.
* Service Spécialisé Jeune: support for youth who face considerable obstacles to employment.
* Intégra-action jeunesse: intensive training, paid at the minimum wage, for youth who are distant from the job market.
* Prevention and harm reduction: specialized intervention in substance abuse.
Type of addiction:
Alcohol, Drugs
Customer base:
youth 18 to 25 years old, who have been through a crisis and are ready to undertake a social integration process, Service Spécialisé Jeune: youth 18 to 30 years old who faces considerable obstacles to employment
about 25% of monthly income
Territory served:
Montréal Island, priority to youth living in Parc-Extension
33 housing units
Without accommodation
Legal status:
non-profit organization
Language of service:
French; English