Havre du Fjord
In-patient Rehabilitation Centre of variable duration from 14 to 24 weeks.
* Separate programme for addiction to substances.
* Separate programme for excessive gambling.
* Combined programme for addictions.
* Programme for cyberaddiction.
* Screening, assessment (DEP-ADO and IGT-ADO) and orientation.
* One-on-one, family and group therapy.
* Thematic workshops, therapeutic work
* Satellite school: mandatory programme.
* Support to loved ones: short term family therapy using the systematic approach.
* Social reinsertion: progressive and evolving.
* Information, accompaniment, support and referrals.
Type of addiction:
Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Cyberaddiction
Customer base:
teens 12 to 18 years old with a substance use disorder (drugs, alcohol, medication, gambling, cyberaddiction) associated or not with a mental health problem or social disaffiliation
free for all services (paid by service agreement), if transportation is wanted for the social reintegration service, it is at the parents' expense
Territory served:
Province of Québec
3 months and more
Legal status:
non-profit organization
Language of service: