En Marge 12-17

Last update: 1970-01-01


Reception and housing for youth in difficulties.
* Listening and reassurance.
* Street outreach work including prevention, education, referral and advocacy.
* Emergency shelter and short term accommodation.
* Post-shelter accompaniment activities.
* Social housing for youth who have already benefited from another service: transitional housing with support to promote social reintegration and autonomy.
* Parents en marge de la rue: support for parents.
* Phone consultation and training for professionals.

Customer base:

youth in difficulty 12 to 17 years old, their families, professionals, social housing: youth 16 to 22 years old who have already benefited from another service


social housing: $350 per month

Territory served:

Montréal Island


social housing: 5 apartments


1 to 3 months; 3 months and more

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:

French; English

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