Dunham House
In-patient or out-patient rehabilitation Centre of variable duration.
* In-patient: 30 days or six months including social reinsertion.
* Out-patient services for 3 months or 1 year: 2 weekly group therapy sessions and weekly one-on-one counselling session.
* Separate program for addiction to substances.
* One-on-one and group therapy.
* Substance abuse and mental health program.
* Sports therapy.
* Equine therapy.
* Art therapy.
* Music therapy.
* Awareness in the community.
* Post treatment follow-up.
Type of addiction:
Alcohol, Drugs
Customer base:
people 18 and over with an addiction (alcohol, drugs) and mental health
30 days: $10,000, 6 months: $8,000 per month (covered by social assistance), out-patient services: 3 months: $3,000, 1 year $10,000
Territory served:
Province of Québec
3 months and more; 1 month and less; 1 to 3 months
Legal status:
non-profit organization
Language of service: