• Centres
  • /
  • Centre de Services de Rivière-Rouge

Centre de Services de Rivière-Rouge

Last update: 2024-11-12


General and specialized medical care.
* Help for victims of criminal acts.
* Emergency and short-term care.
* Minor surgery.
* Distribution of new injection equipment.
* Detoxification.
* Vaccination.
* Designated centre for victims of sexual assault.
* Abortion.
* Nursing consultation.
* Sampling centre.
* Authentication of the health insurance card.
* SIDEP – Integrated STBBI screening and prevention service.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs

Customer base:

general public

Territory served:

Province of Québec


Without accommodation

Legal status:

parapublic organization

Language of service:



  • 24/7
  • nursing care: Monday to Friday 8h30 to 16h30
  • sampling centre: Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday 7h00 to 12h00

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