• Centres
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  • Centre de Rétablissement en Dépendances Villa de la Paix

Centre de Rétablissement en Dépendances Villa de la Paix

Last update: 2024-04-30


Therapeutic housing.
* 28 or 90-day programs.
* Daily group therapy.
* Individual meetings.
* Anonymous fraternity meetings.
* Workshops.
* Based on the 12-step approach.
* Gym.
* Post-cure follow-up by phone for 4 weeks, possibility to have private sessions with a therapist, individuals programs available.

Type of addiction:

Alcohol, Drugs

Customer base:

men and women 18 years old and over with alcoholism, drug addiction or psychotropic substance use problems (depressants, stimulants or central nervous system disruptors)


28 days: $4950, 90 days: $12 350, post-treatment follow-up: $120 per hour

Territory served:

Province of Québec




3 months and more; 1 to 3 months

Legal status:

non-profit organization

Language of service:


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